Games With Friends
Every other week, come together with Miso members, friends, family, and foes, and get your game on!
We play multiplayer local co-op video games, projected big and bright on the wall; card-based strategy games, indie games, console games. Anything weird, new, awesome, classic.
This week, we have games made during the Indiecade/Oculus VR Jam, including DOUBLE BLIND, a multiplayer action tag game by Rob Richard, Tanya Kan, Alex Alksne, and Andrew Kohan. Secret Location will have something… secret… for you to try. Plus, HardHead Games is back with WORLD DESTROYERS and in need of playtesters!
Games with Friends is always free and open to the public. We have pizza and pop for sale.
We have a small but growing library, and you are encouraged to bring whatever you want to play—and friends to play it with! Playtesting your own in-development games is welcome and encouraged.
Bento Miso values and is actively building a space that is woman-/trans*/queer-positive, racially diverse, and physically accessible.
All event hosts have affirmed our Code of Conduct and policy on inclusion.